National Modelling Hub R Mac Neil

National Modelling Hub

The National Modelling Hub aims to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions between diverse numerical modelling experts, bringing perspectives and skills to the wider science community.

Hub Partners

The Antarctic Science Platform National Modelling Hub was conceived in 2019 and established in 2020, building on long standing partnerships between NIWA, Victoria University of Wellington and GNS Science. Research Fellows are co-located in the National Modelling Hub, hosted by Victoria University of Wellington. The Hub is managed by Prof. Nick Golledge and Dr. Liz Keller, Co-Chairs of the Modelling and Future Projections Working Group. The Fellows share their time between their employing institution and the hub.

Check out the Hub's website here.

Modelling Fellows & Projects

Regional Climate Modeller: Alexandra Gossart

Funded by: Antarctic Science Platform (aligned to Project 1)

Project Scope

Near-surface climate provides an essential boundary condition for most physical and biological systems, and its accurate simulation is fundamental to future projections of Antarctic environments. This fellowship brings skills in atmospheric modelling at high spatial and temporal resolutions to provide inputs to ice sheet and ocean models, terrestrial geo-statistical models, glacial surface energy balance models and terrestrial hydrological routing models.

Alexandra gossart

Process-scale ice shelf cavity modeller: Alena Malyarenko

Funded by: Antarctic Science Platform (aligned to Project 2)

Project Scope

Ocean processes drive significant changes in ice shelf evolution over hourly (tidal) to decadal or longer timescales. Process understanding is fundamental to making accurate future projections. This project uses simulations of ice-ocean interactions at ice shelf cavity scales. The ocean-ice modelling project seeks to capture details of cavity circulation and explore the roles of

  • under ice basal processes (parameterisations, role of basal topography),
  • internal processes (double diffusion, internal waves at high latitude), and
  • non-hydrostatic processes (i.e. grounding-line, ice shelf front).

The project works towards coupling the modelling with glaciological and Global Climate Model modelling required to explore ice sheet evolution arising from interactions with a changing ocean.

Alena Malyarenko

Data Scientist: Mario Krapp

Funded by: Antarctic Science Platform (Cross-Project)

Project Scope

Much of the observational and numerical simulation work undertaken through the research strands of the New Zealand Antarctic Science Platform as a whole will generate large datasets. Novel insights can be gleaned from ‘Big Data’ when statistical approaches are applied. This project provides a data-driven multidisciplinary perspective on the data generated from the platform. Our aspiration is to utilise techniques such as Bayesian networks, statistical emulation, or machine learning to provide additional approaches for the generation of policy-relevant information. This project could also contribute specifically to more statistically- (rather than process-) based research questions, such as future projections of species distribution and population change.

Mario Krapp

Aligned Modelling Projects

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