Knowledge Hub

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We aim to share and communicate our research, to benefit New Zealand and the international community. You can browse, filter by category or type, or search by keywords.

Snow clearing - Craig Stewart

Case study: Enhanced data sharing capability for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2024
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: New Zealand now has an informative and searchable inventory of Antarctic and Southern Ocean research datasets.
Ross Sea Voyage 2024: Sunset sea ice

Case study: Biological data informs Ross Sea marine ecosystem management

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2024
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: The Antarctic Science Platform supports Aotearoa New Zealand’s commitment to be a research leader in the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area.
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Case study: Developing the next generation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean researchers

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2024
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: Examples of how the Antarctic Science Platform is sustaining and growing human capabilities in this strategic priority science area.
Sampling soils for microbiological analyses in Victoria Valley.

Case Study: Machine learning-assisted meta-analysis of biological research in Antarctica

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2022
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: To understand what Antarctic ecosystems may look like in a warming world, it’s critical to first comprehensively understand the current-day biodiversity and biogeography.
Colour our place kakariki green gallery 4

Highlights from ecosystems’ research 2021/22

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2022
Document Type: Update, Science
Summary: A team of researchers are working to better understand what the future may hold for Ross Sea ecosystems, both on land and at sea. These are some highlights from 2021/22.