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Snow clearing - Craig Stewart

Case study: Enhanced data sharing capability for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2024
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: New Zealand now has an informative and searchable inventory of Antarctic and Southern Ocean research datasets.
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Case study: Developing the next generation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean researchers

Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Year Published: 2024
Document Type: Case Studies, Science
Summary: Examples of how the Antarctic Science Platform is sustaining and growing human capabilities in this strategic priority science area.
P1010045 Jana Newman

Case study: First fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model for the Ross Sea

Year Published: 2023
Document Type: Case Studies
Ownership: Antarctic Science Platform
Summary: A new modelling tool developed by Antarctic Science Platform researchers accurately represents ocean-atmosphere-sea ice interactions in the Ross Sea, which is critical for reducing uncertainty in the assessment of future climate scenarios.
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Conservation of heat and mass in P-SKRIPS version 1: the coupled atmosphere–ice–ocean model of the Ross Sea

Authors: A.Malyarenko, A.Gossart, R.Sun, M.Krapp
Year Published: 2023
Document Type: Papers
Ownership: Geoscientific Model Development
Summary: A coupled model for the Ross Sea, P-SKRIPS, that conserves heat and mass between the ocean and sea ice model (MITgcm) and the atmosphere model (PWRF).
Antarctic sea ice

The connections between sea ice and climate

Authors: James Renwick
Year Published: 2023
Document Type: Cold Call Articles
Ownership: Antarctic Science Platform
Summary: Antarctic sea ice has an annual seasonal cycle of formation and melting, plus it’s exposed to the winds and storms of the Southern Ocean and to a range of climate influences from near and far.
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Delineating Polynya Area Using Active and Passive Microwave Sensors for the Western Ross Sea Sector of Antarctica

Authors: G.Burada, A.McDonald, J.Renwick, B.Jolly
Year Published: 2023
Document Type: Papers
Ownership: Remote Sensing
Summary: 40m scale polynya information over the western Ross Sea from high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 C-band data.
Antarctic Sea Ice 01 Physical Role

Antarctic Sea Ice #1: Physical role and function

Authors: Kyle Clem, Rob Massom, Sharon Stammerjohn and Phillip Reid
Year Published: 2022
Document Type: Reports
Ownership: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Summary: Sea ice – comprising frozen seawater in the form of both moving pack ice and stationary coastal landfast ice (fast ice) – is of major climatic, ecological and societal importance. This summary on SCAR's Environments Portal is based on the best available science.
Scott Base sunrise

What's going on with Antarctica's weather?

Authors: Tim Naish, James Renwick, Kyle Clem and Rowan Howard-Williams
Year Published: 2022
Document Type: Cold Call Articles
Ownership: Antarctic Science Platform
Summary: One of the coldest places on Earth recently experienced a spike in temperature 40°C above normal. Should we be worried?