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95 288 Craig Potton

Antarctic Science Platform in the news 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Summary: In case you missed it, here are some of the media and outreach opportunities our team was involved in during the past year. There were also public talks, school visits and publications in subscription-based magazines.
Our Changing Coastline demo Auckland

A map of the future

Date: 2022
Type: Science
Authors: Veronika Meduna, New Zealand Geographic
Summary: Sea-level rise doesn’t affect coasts equally—one bay may be drowned while the beach next door remains the same as ever. Predicting sea-level rise needs to take into account tectonic movement of the land, prevailing winds, coastal erosion and Arctic meltwater. Now, the first-ever detailed map of New Zealand’s coastlines shows what may happen.
Tim Naish Breakfast

World can expect 50cm sea-level rise by 2100, even if warming stays under 2°C

Date: 2021
Type: In the media
Authors: Breakfast
Summary: Climate scientist Tim Naish estimates 267 million people worldwide live on land that’s at risk of severe storms and flooding.
Antarctica image

More plants could begin to 'invade the Antarctic Peninsula' as the frozen continent warms

Date: 2021
Type: In the media
Authors: Lee Kenny- Stuff
Summary: In February, some of the country’s top Antarctic scientists met in Christchurch to share the latest research on the continent. Reporter LEE KENNY joined the delegates to discover what the future holds for New Zealand’s frozen neighbour.
