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2024 01 28 meeting CR basler trasnfer team Lana

Ross Sea Voyage Update #4: Katabatic winds

Date: 2024
Type: Update
Summary: Sixty knot freezing winds cascaded off the ice sheet and blasted out over the coastal ocean – in an event that persisted for several days. The team is inside a wind-forced coastal polynya; that's where sea ice is made.
2024 01 17 NZ team on 16th leg1

Ross Sea Voyage Update #3: Terra Nova Bay

Date: 2024
Type: Update
Summary: The  RV Laura Bassi headed to the Italian Mario Zuchelli Station. The weather has been very calm. (Spoiler alert: There will be wind. Lots of it. This is Antarctica.)
2024 01 12 cross ant circle Craig Stevens

Ross Sea Voyage Update #2: Crossing the Line

Date: 2024
Type: Update
Summary: The RV Laura Bassi has crossed the Antarctic circle (66° 34’S), and last night the team spotted their first iceberg through the fog.
Leaving Lyttelton

Ross Sea Voyage Update #1: Leaving Lyttelton

Date: 2024
Type: Update
Summary: The Ross Sea Voyage 2024 is underway. Seven scientists from the Antarctic Science Platform departed Lyttleton at 1700 on 6 January on Italy’s RV Laura Bassi icebreaker, with around 25 Italian colleagues. This climate-focused mission will spend two months at sea.
Fig 1 D Deep

Geophysical exploration at Discovery Deep

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Summary: We are collecting a variety of geophysical datasets at Discovery Deep to better understand the configuration of ice, ocean and sub-seafloor geology along the west side of the Ross Ice Shelf. To better constrain forecasts and models of change as Antarctic ice sheets respond to warming, we need information on present and past environments in the region. This requires drilling to collect ice and seafloor sediment cores. Within the Antarctic Science Platform, and through collaborative international programmes like SWAIS2C, our focus so far has been on drilling sites, which investigate contrasting regions of the ice shelf.
IMG 0556 Bella Zeldis copy

Highlights from Antarctic ice dynamics research 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Authors: Project 1
Summary: The world’s ice sheets are sensitive to environmental change and, as the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth, melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet has significant potential to raise sea levels and disrupt global ocean circulation. To determine ice sheet response to warming, our team of researchers in the Antarctic Ice Dynamics project are looking at environmental records of how the Antarctic ice sheets and surrounding ocean have changed in the past, and comparing those records to signals of change that we can detect today.
Hydrographic mooring being deployed in Terra Nova Bay

Highlights from Antarctic ocean mechanics research 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Authors: Project 2
Summary: A changing Antarctica will impact oceanic transport of heat and other associated materials, such as salt, carbon dioxide, oxygen and nutrients. Researchers in the Antarctic Ocean Mechanics project are investigating past and present ocean conditions - currents, polynya formation, sea ice and dispersion of meltwater - and how this may change as the world warms.
Fig 1 tangaroa in Ant

Highlights from ecosystems research 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Authors: Project 3
Summary: The Ross Sea region contains one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the Southern Ocean, encompassing open ocean, pack ice and coastal habitats, including much of the world’s largest marine protected area. It also harbours diverse land-based ecosystems ranging from iconic Antarctic lakes to ancient soils that are home to unique biota. Our team of researchers in the Ross Sea Ecosystems project is working to better understand what the future may hold for these environments. We are developing new techniques and autonomous instruments for remote sensing to fill gaps in understanding of biodiversity and ecological process.
